Getting Back Into It


Part of me wishes I had someone watching me, but I know that this accountability thing only truly works if I hold myself accountable. I need to commit to writing at least one blog entry per week and working on my game at least one hour a week. I don't want to lose the momentum or my loose grasp of Unity development concepts that I'm only starting to understand. I traded my Mac Mini (which I had to setup and tear down each time I wanted to use it) for a MacBook Pro. I'm off to the races. No excuses.

What I've Been Working On

Interacting with items in the room is going to be a core mechanic of the game. I've laid some ground work for bringing items into focus and disabling the player controls. What's next is to set up the interaction user interface and give the player a couple of choices as to what to do with the item.

What To Look Forward To

In the coming dev blog entries, I'll start talking about the story and what I hope to accomplish with this story-driven game. Thanks for reading!

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