Accountability In Blog Form

It's been almost a year since I've put any amount of earnest work into Alan's Room. Although there is plenty of technical work to do, I found myself lacking motivation to continue without my partner and writer. He's currently navigating some difficult life challenges, and I want to give him as muc...

I just wanted to check in with all of my fan [sic] before the year's end. I've switched gears a bit and drafted the script for the prologue. I wanted to get a feel for how the opening of the game might be both from the player's perspective (presentation of the prologue) and from the story's perspect...

What do you get when you dive straight into game development without reading the documentation or doing any formal trainings? Why tutorial soup, of course! It tastes like an over-seasoned mess of too many ingredients. Allow me to elaborate.

Diving into Unity's New Input System

Unity's "new" Inpu...

I've completed a handful of animations between the doors, drawers, and laptop and wanted to switch gears a bit. I pressed "Play" in the Unity editor and walked around the room. I saw the driver's license on the bedside table and went to interact with it to see where I left off. It floated into the a...

I worked on animating the laptop opening and closing. Simple animations as these are - dare I say - close to becoming trivial. On the one hand I'm putting off the larger tasks, like implementing the actual gameplay loop. On the other hand, this needs to but done, too. I shouldn't feel guilty for imp...

Hello Nobody. Hello Self. Although I write these for me, I like to imagine someone is listening.

Self, you didn't do any work on the game this week, and that's okay. You set up your Twitter account and tried becoming a bit more active on Facebook. This is something. Will it finish the game?...

This whole week I probably only worked on the game for thirty minutes or so. I'm trying to shift my perspective on these types of weeks from being negative to positive. Thirty minutes of work done is thirty minutes more work than I had before I started. I know this is going to be a marathon and not...

I'm approaching this project much differently than Tap the Thing! When I started getting really into the project, I used GitHub's toolset to lay out and track all of the features and tasks associated with getting a simple mobile game completed and on the app store. With Untitled Story Game there...


Part of me wishes I had someone watching me, but I know that this accountability thing only truly works if I hold myself accountable. I need to commit to writing at least one blog entry per week and working on my game at least one hour a week. I don't want to lose the momentum or my loose...

I don't want to give anything away about the story just yet, but I'm super enthusiastic after spending some time collaboriting with our writer. We did everything from defining what the gameplay loop will be to fleshing out some of the backstory and how the consequences of gameplay will figure into...