
Julia and Dad shared the victory for best family game with another team! Read more here!

Tune in this Thursday for an interview. Here's a sneak peek!


Move38: How did you come up with the idea for Frogs?

Julia: I don’t know how I came up with the idea.

Dad: Did it just pop in your head?

Julia: Yeah - kinda.

Move38: Was your dad a good helper when making the game?

Julia: YEAH! I don’t know how to do coding, and he did the coding. I’m only a six-and-a-half year old. And he typed it. My hands would get tired if I typed all those words.

Move38: What's the next game you're going to make?

Julia: I think I really liked the candy one I came up with. It’s called “Candy”. See brainstorming session blog entry

Move38: What's your favorite Blinks game besides Frogs?

Julia: My very favorite is Dark Ball - I get to make so many different tracks!

Dad: Do you have any other favorites?

Julia: And Wham!

YouTube Live Stream 2/11/2021

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